Dr. Monica Daibert-Nido

Picture - Dr. Monica Daibert-Nido

Dr. Monica Daibert-Nido is an Ophthalmologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Toronto. She also serves as the educational lead for the Committee of Vision Rehabilitation at the Canadian Ophthalmological Society.

After completing a three-year fellowship in Low Vision Rehabilitation at the University of Toronto, Dr. Daibert-Nido has been practicing in Toronto since 2016. Her main research focuses on brain plasticity in low vision rehabilitation, covering areas such as biofeedback training on the micro perimeter, virtual reality stimulation for hemianopia, and the use of prism glasses in vision rehabilitation.

Dr. Daibert-Nido has published studies on vision rehabilitation with biofeedback for various conditions, including nystagmus, macular degeneration, and hemianopsia. She has also been involved in a study on photobiomodulation for age-related macular degeneration, exploring new technologies for improved patient outcomes.

A graduate of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil in 1999, Dr. Daibert-Nido completed her medical residency at the Hospital das Clinicas, specializing in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus surgery. She has collaborated with the Low Vision Service at the University of Sao Paulo, contributing to research and teaching lectures.

Dr. Daibert-Nido collaborates with professionals worldwide, including Dr. Filippo Amore from Rome, Dr. Maria Aparecida Haddad from Brazil, and Dr. Michael Reber from the Krembil Institute in Toronto.